Sr.Pastor and Mrs DR Clark
About Our Pastors
Ask of Me and I will give you the nations…” Psalm 2:8 From our birth as a local church some 32 years ago, the Master of the Harvest has given us an ever increasing passion for reaching the world with His gospel. Clearly, God has blessed Apostolic Tabernacle with revival under the ministry of Sr. Pastor and Mrs. D.R. Clark going from 78 people to well over 400 in attendance every Sunday.The spirit has led us and made our active hands and committed hearts to Lift up Jesus and Touch our World, effective in an ever expanding circle of outreach and love. This had become a focal point of what is foundly known as "Caney Creek Church" As the Lord continues to increase our global committment to prayer, finances, and encouragement to now over 150 missionaries and ministries in more than 60 nations, so too He continues to increase our passion for world evangelization.
Pastor Joshua and his wife have been instrumental in getting the next generation involved in living the message. He has poured his life into the church and acts as Pastor and he and his wife do a great job with community events and visitation along with the Sr. Pastor he leads in preaching and pastoring with annointed preaching and living out the true meaning of what it means to be a christian.